Common mistakes made on WordPress installations

Last edited:
October 28, 2023
Reading time:
5 mins






Common mistakes made on W...

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After successfully installing WordPress, you’re on your way to creating a fantastic website. However, there are some common missteps made in the excitement of getting started that can affect the security, performance, and overall health of your WordPress site. In this article, we’ll explore these post-installation mistakes and provide guidance on how to avoid them, ensuring your WordPress journey begins on the right foot.

1. Neglecting Your wp-config.php:

The wp-config.php file is the central hub of your WordPress site, responsible for overseeing vital elements such as database connections and security settings. When the wp-config.php file remains unoptimized in terms of security, it opens the door to a multitude of potential threats and vulnerabilities. Attackers can exploit weaknesses in database connections and configuration settings, gaining unauthorized access to sensitive information. This may lead to data breaches, unauthorized modifications to your site, or even complete compromise of your WordPress installation. Properly optimizing the wp-config.php file is a crucial step in fortifying your site’s defenses and safeguarding it against a wide range of security risks.

What to do: The wp-config.php file contains sensitive data, including database credentials. Optimizing it means enhancing your site’s security and performance. Security keys, for instance, add an extra layer of protection by encrypting data transmission, while disabling file modification can provide another great way of making the attacker’s life harder. Another option you should pay attention is the automatic updates feature, which is recommended to allow minor (security) updates.

2. Leaving phpinfo() Open:

The phpinfo() function can be a double-edged sword. While it serves a valuable purpose in diagnosing server issues and understanding server configurations, leaving it accessible on your live site can inadvertently grant malicious actors a detailed roadmap to your server’s inner workings. This exposes sensitive information such as PHP version, installed modules, and server settings, which can be leveraged by potential attackers to identify vulnerabilities and launch targeted exploits. Restricting access to the phpinfo file (or better yet, completely removing it if you don’t use it at the moment) is a crucial security measure to prevent your server’s blueprint from falling into the wrong hands and safeguard your website against potential threats.

What to do: Restricting access to the phpinfo() function is essential to protect your server’s security. This function can reveal sensitive server information, such as PHP version and installed modules. By securing it, you prevent potential attackers from exploiting vulnerabilities based on this information.

3. Forgetting to Disable Directory Listing:

Web servers may allow directory listing by default, meaning that if there’s no index file in a directory, anyone can see its contents. Neglecting to disable directory listing is like having an open house where anyone can browse through your personal belongings.

What to do: Disabling directory listing is crucial to prevent unauthorized access to your files and directories. It ensures that your server doesn’t inadvertently disclose sensitive information. By taking this step, you maintain control over what users can access on your server.

4. Neglecting Log and Text Files:

Log and text files may contain sensitive information, and leaving them accessible from the web is akin to posting your private diary online. Neglecting their security can lead to data breaches.

What to do: Moving log and text files to a non-web-accessible directory or configuring server settings to restrict access is vital. This action ensures that sensitive data remains private and is not exposed to potential threats. It’s a critical step in maintaining the confidentiality of your site’s information.

5. Leaving Behind Development Stage Files:

Imagine moving into a new home only to find the previous owner’s belongings cluttering your space. Similarly, leaving demo or test files from the development stage on your production server can create confusion and potential security risks.

What to do: These leftover files may contain hidden vulnerabilities or sensitive information that should not be exposed on a live site. Removing all development and test files before going live ensures that your production environment is clean, organized, and free from potential pitfalls.

6. Forgetting to Protect Sensitive Directories:

Certain directories, like wp-admin and wp-includes, are the most critical components of your website. Neglecting to protect them is like leaving the keys to your bank vault lying around.

What to do: Implementing security measures such as password protection, IP whitelisting, or two-factor authentication for these essential directories is crucial. Unauthorized access to these areas can lead to serious security breaches. Safeguarding them ensures the overall security of your WordPress site.

7. Incorrect File Permissions or User Groups on the Server:

File permissions and user groups on your server can be likened to locks on your doors. Setting them incorrectly can create security vulnerabilities, allowing unauthorized users to access or modify critical files.

What to do: Regularly reviewing and configuring file permissions and user groups is essential to maintaining a secure server environment. Incorrect settings can lead to unauthorized access or manipulation of vital files. By following best practices and limiting permissions to the minimum required for each user or process, you enhance your site’s security.

8. Files from Previous WordPress Installations:

Picture moving into a new home and finding it cluttered with old furniture and belongings from previous occupants. Similarly, leaving files and directories from previous WordPress installations or unused themes and plugins on your server can pose security risks and create a disorganized environment.

What to do: Cleaning up your server by removing these remnants from previous installations or any unused themes and plugins is essential. Outdated files may contain vulnerabilities, and clutter can hinder your site’s performance. A clean server ensures that your WordPress site operates efficiently and securely.

9. Make changes on parent theme (instead of Child Theme):

Customizing your theme without creating a child theme is like painting your car without masking the windows and tires. When the parent theme updates, it’s as if someone threw paint all over your car. A child theme safeguards your customization.

What to do: Following WordPress guidelines to create a child theme that inherits the parent theme’s functionality is a best practice. It allows you to make theme customizations without worrying about losing them during updates. This ensures that your site maintains its unique design and functionality while staying up to date with the latest theme improvements.

10. Weak Passwords Everywhere:

Last but no least, weak passwords are an open invitation to malicious actors. When user accounts, especially the all-powerful admin account, have easily guessable passwords, you’re essentially leaving the keys to your castle under the doormat. But this also applies to other passwords of the application, such as the user password from the database, or your emails.

What to do: The importance of strong passwords cannot be overstated. They are the first line of defense against brute force attacks. Encouraging users to employ complex, unique passwords that include a mix of letters, numbers, and special characters is essential for safeguarding your site.

Pay attention when installing WordPress!

While the excitement of launching a WordPress website is overwhelming, it’s essential to avoid these common post-installation mistakes. Regularly reviewing your WordPress setup and taking proactive steps to enhance security and performance will help ensure your website’s success and longevity. Remember, the small steps you take now can make a significant difference in the long run. Better be safe than sorry!

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