Contact form 7 anti spam guide for WordPress

Last edited:
November 6, 2023
Reading time:
7 mins






Contact form 7 anti spam ...

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WordPress, being one of the most popular content management systems, attracts attention from spammers who bombard websites with spam comments and form submissions. Spam not only hinders user engagement but also compromises website security and credibility. Fortunately, there are multiple strategies available to combat spam effectively, and one essential tool for safeguarding contact forms is the Contact Form 7 plugin. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore several tactics to fortify Contact Form 7 against spam, including keyword blocking with the “Disallowed Comment Keys” feature, as well as the implementation of Google reCAPTCHA v3 and Google reCAPTCHA v2.

Keyword Blocking with Disallowed Comment Keys

  1. Understanding the “Disallowed Comment Keys” Feature The “Disallowed Comment Keys” feature, native to WordPress’ discussion settings, was initially designed to block spam comments. However, its functionality extends to contact form submissions, providing a robust mechanism for safeguarding against form spam. By adding keywords or phrases commonly used in spam submissions to the blacklist, website administrators can ensure that submissions containing these blacklisted terms are automatically filtered out. This proactive measure helps maintain a spam-free user experience for visitors engaging with contact forms.
  2. Utilizing Case-Insensitive Blocking One of the notable advantages of the “Disallowed Comment Keys” feature is its case-insensitive blocking. Whether the blacklisted keywords or phrases are in uppercase, lowercase, or a combination of both, the feature ensures thorough filtering without discriminating based on letter case. This comprehensive approach eliminates the risk of spammers attempting to bypass the filter by altering the case of spam-triggering words.
  3. Enhancing Blacklisting Efficiency with Word Variations Gaps within words are counted as normal in the blacklist. This means that a single entry in the list can effectively block multiple variations of the same spam trigger. For instance, adding “free” to the blacklist will not only block comments with “freebies” but also prevent submissions with “freely” or any other derivatives from appearing. By strategically curating a comprehensive blacklist, website administrators can create a formidable shield against spam in both comments and contact form submissions.

Utilizing Google Recaptcha

Google reCAPTCHA v3 – A Seamless Anti-Spam Solution

  1. Introducing reCAPTCHA v3 Google reCAPTCHA v3 represents a significant advancement in anti-spam technology. Unlike its predecessors, reCAPTCHA v3 operates invisibly, without requiring any user interaction. It relies on advanced machine learning algorithms to analyze user behavior on the website, providing a risk score for each submission. Based on this score, the website can determine whether the submission is likely to be spam or not.
  2. User-Friendly Experience One of the key advantages of reCAPTCHA v3 is that it does not interrupt the user experience with intrusive challenges, such as identifying objects in images or solving puzzles. Instead, it works behind the scenes, silently assessing user behavior and assigning a risk score to submissions. This seamless approach ensures a smooth and unobtrusive user experience, as users do not need to perform any additional actions to prove their authenticity.
  3. Additional Security Measures The risk score generated by reCAPTCHA v3 can be utilized to trigger additional security measures. Website administrators can set thresholds for acceptable risk scores, and based on these thresholds, decide whether to block suspicious submissions or place them in moderation for manual review. This versatility allows websites to customize their anti-spam approach and strike a balance between robust security and user convenience.

In order to implement Google reCaptcha v3 in your Contact Form 7 forms, follow the below instructions:

Firstly, locate Integration tab below Contact Form 7 settings in your admin dashboard:

After that, by clicking Setup Integration you will be asked to place your API keys, obtained from Google reCaptcha v3 console:

In order to obtain the keys, visit Google Recaptcha console and follow the quick instructions to obtain the keys:

Google reCAPTCHA v2 – Old but still used

  1. ReCAPTCHA v2 – The Classic Approach While reCAPTCHA v3 is the preferred choice for its user-friendly and seamless operation, some website owners may still opt for reCAPTCHA v2. The classic reCAPTCHA v2 includes the familiar “I’m not a robot” checkbox, requiring users to interact with it to prove their authenticity.
  2. Image Challenges for Additional Verification In some cases, reCAPTCHA v2 may present image challenges to further verify user authenticity. Users may be required to identify objects or enter text from distorted images. This additional layer of verification adds an extra level of security, making it challenging for automated spam bots to pass the test.
  3. Currently, the easiest way to implement Google Recaptcha v2 is by using the free plugin ReCaptcha v2 for Contact Form 7:

Additional methods to block spam:

3rd party plugins

In addition to the native features and Google reCAPTCHA integration, WordPress website owners can further enhance their anti-spam arsenal by leveraging third-party plugins like Akismet. Akismet, developed by Automattic, is one of the most widely used spam protection plugins available for WordPress. It employs advanced algorithms and a vast network to analyze incoming comments and form submissions, effectively identifying and blocking spam in real-time. By utilizing Akismet alongside the previously mentioned tactics, website owners can add an extra layer of protection, ensuring even greater defense against spam attacks.

Firewall rules and rate limiting

Furthermore, for those looking to bolster their anti-spam measures beyond plugin solutions, implementing firewall rules can be a valuable approach. For instance, using ConfigServer Security & Firewall (CSF) or similar firewalls, administrators can set up rules to limit the number of submissions per user within a specified time frame. By restricting the number of requests sent to the contact form API, the firewall helps prevent spammers from inundating the website with automated submissions. This proactive measure significantly reduces the effectiveness of spam bots, further safeguarding the website’s integrity and ensuring a smoother experience for genuine users.

Solve your contact form 7 spam issues!

Ensuring a spam-free user experience is critical for WordPress websites, and implementing effective anti-spam measures is vital in achieving this goal. For contact forms, the Contact Form 7 plugin offers a range of tactics to combat spam, from keyword blocking with the “Disallowed Comment Keys” feature to the integration of Google reCAPTCHA v3 and Google reCAPTCHA v2. By curating a comprehensive anti-spam strategy, website administrators can create a secure and trustworthy environment for users, fostering meaningful interactions and safeguarding the integrity of their WordPress websites.