How to find the server type of a WordPress website

Last edited:
October 31, 2023
Reading time:
3 mins






How to find the server ty...

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As a WordPress website owner, administrator, or developer, it’s important to understand the server environment that your website runs on. The server type is a critical piece of information that can help you troubleshoot issues, optimize your website’s performance, and make informed decisions about your hosting infrastructure. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore why it’s crucial to know the server type, the various server types that WordPress websites can run on, and how to find this information effectively.

Why It’s Important to Know the Server Type

Knowing the server type of your WordPress website provides valuable insights into your hosting environment. Here are some compelling reasons why this knowledge is crucial:

1. Troubleshooting:

Identifying the server type is the first step in diagnosing server-related issues. Different server types may have unique configurations and requirements. Knowing the server type allows you to tailor your troubleshooting approach.

2. Performance Optimization:

Server type can impact website performance. For instance, server software like Nginx and LiteSpeed (OpenLiteSpeed) are known for their speed and efficiency. Understanding your server type helps you optimize your WordPress site for better performance.

3. Security:

Different server types have distinct security configurations. Being aware of your server type is essential for securing your WordPress website. For example, Apache and Nginx require different security configurations.

4. Compatibility:

Certain WordPress plugins, themes, or configurations may work better with specific server types. Knowing your server type enables you to choose the right tools and configurations that are compatible with your environment.

What Are the Server Types

WordPress websites can run on various server types. The most common ones include:

1. Apache:

Apache is one of the most widely used web servers in the world. It’s known for its flexibility and compatibility with various web applications, including WordPress. You can identify an Apache server by checking server response headers.

2. Nginx:

Nginx is a high-performance, open-source web server. It’s favored for its speed and efficiency. To determine if a WordPress website uses Nginx, you can inspect server response headers or look at the presence of an Nginx configuration file.

3. LiteSpeed Enteprise:

LiteSpeed is a commercial, high-performance web server used by many websites and hosting providers. It’s known for its exceptional speed, scalability, and compatibility with various content management systems, including WordPress. LiteSpeed is a fully-featured web server, often chosen for its robust caching capabilities. It comes with built-in page caching features that can significantly enhance your WordPress website’s loading times.


In contrast, OpenLiteSpeed is the open-source counterpart of LiteSpeed. It inherits many of the performance and efficiency features of LiteSpeed but is available for free. OpenLiteSpeed has become increasingly popular among web developers and small to medium-sized website owners.

5. IIS (Internet Information Services):

IIS is a web server developed by Microsoft. It’s commonly used on Windows servers. To identify IIS, check the server response headers, which often reveal the server version and platform. Caution! If you discover that your WordPress website is hosted on IIS, maybe it’s better to reconsider the hosting plan you are using. WordPress tends to runs better on Linux based servers.

How to Find the Server Type

Using Browser Inspector Tools:

  1. Chrome DevTools:
    • Open your WordPress website in Google Chrome.
    • Right-click on the page and select “Inspect” or use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + Shift + I.
    • Go to the “Network” tab.
    • Reload the page (Ctrl + R or F5).
    • Click on the first network request (usually the HTML document).
    • Look under the “Response Headers” section for the server type (e.g., Server: Apache, Server: nginx, etc.).
  2. Firefox DevTools:
    • Open your website in Mozilla Firefox.
    • Right-click on the page and select “Inspect Element” or use Ctrl + Shift + I.
    • Go to the “Network” tab.
    • Reload the page.
    • Click on the first network request (HTML document).
    • Find the server type in the “Response Headers” section.

Checking Document Network Headers:

  1. HTTP Headers:
    • Use online tools like HTTP Header Check or browser extensions to view the HTTP headers of your WordPress website. Look for the Server header.

Attention, watch out for a catch!

There is a common server setup often used by hosting companies which might prove to be a little confusing. Since NGINX is easy to be used as a proxy (bringing powerful benefits), it is often used as a proxy to your Apache hosting server. That means that there is a chance that you identify NGINX as your server, but in reality there is an Apache hosting your site at the background. One quick way to identify if you are included into that category is to check if your .htaccess file is working. NGINX does not support .htaccess files, so there is only one way road from there.

Differences for WordPress

While the server type primarily affects server configuration, there are specific considerations for WordPress:

1. .htaccess and Permalinks:

  • If your WordPress site runs on Apache, you’ll use the .htaccess file to configure permalinks. This file is not used on Nginx. Instead, Nginx uses its own configuration to achieve the same result.

2. Caching:

  • Different server types may require different caching solutions. For example, LiteSpeed servers often use LSCache for efficient caching.

3. Security Configuration:

  • Security configurations, such as firewalls and security modules, can vary depending on the server type. It’s essential to adapt your security measures accordingly.

Discover your hosting server type

Knowing the server type of your WordPress website is a fundamental aspect of website management. It helps you streamline troubleshooting, optimize performance, enhance security, and make informed decisions about server configurations and compatibility. By following the methods outlined in this guide, you can easily identify the server type of your WordPress site and tailor your management and optimization strategies accordingly.

In the dynamic world of web hosting and WordPress, staying informed about your server environment is key to maintaining a healthy and efficient website.

🚀 Suggested Reading: Now you know how to identify your server type. Do you want to know how to identify the right hosting company for your WordPress amongst the wide list of available providers?

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