How to make wordpress website faster effectively

Last edited:
November 4, 2023
Reading time:
12 mins






How to make wordpress web...

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In the digital age, where every second counts, the speed of your WordPress website is something more than important. It affects not only the user experience but also your website’s search engine ranking. Here, we’ll delve into why speed is crucial and explore some unconventional yet highly effective ways to make your WordPress website faster.

When users visit a website, they expect it to load quickly. In today’s fast-paced world, a delay of just a few seconds can result in users bouncing off your site and never returning. That’s why page load times are directly linked to user engagement and conversion rates. A faster website ensures that users stay longer, explore more, and are more likely to take the desired action, such as making a purchase or subscribing to your services.

From a search engine optimization (SEO) perspective, Google and other search engines prioritize websites that load quickly. Search engines aim to provide the best user experience, and they recognize that faster websites are more user-friendly. Therefore, website speed is a ranking factor, influencing how high your website appears in search results. So, a faster website not only pleases users but also helps you climb the SEO ladder.

Debloat WordPress from excess features

WordPress, while incredibly versatile, often carries a lot of baggage by default. This can include numerous features, widgets, and tools that, although potentially useful for some, may not align with your specific website’s needs. While these features are not inherently harmful, they can contribute to the bloat of your website.

By default, WordPress comes equipped with various elements that may go unused on many websites. For instance, it includes tag generators, and while they can be a handy tool for some, others may never touch them. When these features aren’t used, they end up just adding extra code to your site, causing it to slow down.

The excess baggage doesn’t stop there. WordPress also includes several default widgets and tools that, while potentially useful, might not align with your website’s specific goals. For example, if you’re running a personal blog, e-commerce widgets might be of little use. These additional widgets may seem small, but collectively, they add unnecessary complexity to your site and generate extra server requests.

Optimizing your WordPress site involves a critical review of these built-in widgets, tools, and features. You have the option to disable or remove those that don’t serve your site’s mission. By doing this, you streamline your website’s structure, reduce the resources it requires, and ultimately enhance its loading speed and overall performance.

Remember that removing or deactivating these unnecessary elements is not about undermining the quality of WordPress but about tailoring it to your site’s unique needs. It’s like cleaning out your garage and getting rid of items you no longer use or need. By decluttering your website’s backend, you free up valuable server resources and speed up your site’s performance.

In the quest for a faster website, don’t overlook the importance of debloating. It’s a crucial step in the journey to enhance your site’s speed, usability, and, ultimately, user satisfaction.

Unexpected performance leak: Blocking Access to Vulnerable Files

In your journey to make your WordPress website faster and more efficient, you’ll encounter a critical aspect of website optimization: enhancing security and thwarting potential threats. One way to do this is by blocking access to certain files that are often targeted by malicious entities, such as spam bots. These unwanted access attempts can significantly impact your site’s performance by consuming valuable server resources and slowing down your website.

Understanding the Vulnerable Files:

Two common files that frequently draw unwanted attention are logs and xmlrpc.php.

  1. Logs: Your website generates logs as part of its regular operations. While logs are essential for troubleshooting and monitoring, they can become a vulnerability if not properly managed. Malicious actors may attempt to access your log files to gain insights into your site’s activities. This not only compromises your site’s security but can also lead to increased server load as the logs are accessed more frequently than necessary.
  2. xmlrpc.php: XML-RPC is a feature that allows remote interactions with your site. While it has its legitimate uses, it can also be exploited by malicious users. In many cases, spammers and hackers target xmlrpc.php for activities like brute force attacks or unauthorized access attempts. These malicious actions can cause a significant drain on server resources and, subsequently, slow down your site.
  3. Txt, License, and Zip Files: These seemingly innocuous files can be potential entry points for malicious actors. Txt and license files, for example, may contain sensitive information. By blocking access to these files, you’re safeguarding your website from potential security breaches. Zip files, while useful for compressing data, can also be misused. Preventing unauthorized access to these files is crucial to ensure the security and speed of your website.

Blocking Access for Enhanced Security and Speed

To address these issues, you can take steps to block access to these vulnerable files. This proactive measure helps mitigate security threats and contributes to the overall speed and efficiency of your site.

Blocking access to logs and xmlrpc.php involves configuring your server or using security plugins that allow you to specify rules for access. You can restrict access to these files completely or to only authorized users or IP addresses, effectively preventing unwanted traffic.

By enhancing security and blocking access to these vulnerable files, you’re not only safeguarding your website but also optimizing its performance. This is a crucial step in ensuring that your site remains fast, responsive, and resilient in the face of potential threats.

Configure your wp-config.php efficiently

The wp-config.php file is like the control center of your WordPress website. It contains all the crucial settings and configurations that govern how your website operates. Think of it as the brain behind your website’s functionality.

One of the primary challenges with wp-config.php is that it can accumulate redundant or outdated code as your website evolves. This code might have been essential at some point in the past but now serves no real purpose. The presence of unnecessary code can lead to slower performance and increased load times, which is less than ideal.

Let’s explore some simple example strategies to optimize wp-config.php and ensure it’s tailored to your website’s current needs:

1. Optimize Cron Jobs: Cron jobs are scheduled tasks that WordPress performs at specific intervals. Some plugins or themes might add cron jobs that, over time, become unnecessary. Review the cron jobs within your wp-config.php and eliminate any that no longer serve a purpose. This reduces the server’s workload, which can lead to improved loading times.

2. Limiting Revisions: By default, WordPress stores revisions of your content. While this feature can be valuable, it can also lead to a heavier database. If you find that you’re rarely using revisions, consider limiting the number of revisions stored in the wp-config.php file. This reduces the size of your database, which can enhance your website’s performance.

3. Configuring Site URLs: The wp-config.php file allows you to define your site’s URL settings. Ensuring these URLs are correctly configured can lead to faster database calls. Incorrect or inconsistent URL settings can confuse the server, causing slower loading times. Double-check that your site’s URLs are accurate in the wp-config.php file to prevent unnecessary delays.

Optimizing wp-config.php is akin to fine-tuning your website’s engine. By decluttering it, removing obsolete code, and adjusting settings to match your site’s current requirements, you’re ensuring that your website runs smoothly and efficiently. It’s a crucial step in the journey to boost your website’s speed, enhance user experience, and secure higher search engine rankings.

Optimize .htaccess the proper way

The .htaccess file is a silent hero of your website’s performance. It’s a compact yet powerful tool that resides on your web server, governing various aspects of how your site behaves and interacts with its users. While it empowers you with the ability to handle redirects, implement security measures, and manage several server tasks, an overcrowded .htaccess file can unwittingly become the Achilles’ heel of your website’s speed.

To embark on the journey of optimizing your .htaccess file, it’s essential to understand its role and how to ensure it’s streamlined for optimal performance.

Cleaning Out the Clutter:

Over time, websites tend to accumulate the digital equivalent of “clutter” in their .htaccess files. This clutter consists of outdated or redundant directives—commands that instruct your server how to handle various tasks. As the internet evolves and technologies advance, certain directives may become obsolete or simply no longer necessary. These outdated directives clutter the .htaccess file and can slow down your site.

Begin the optimization process by reviewing your .htaccess file and identifying directives that are no longer relevant. Remove these, decluttering the file and streamlining its operation. The goal is to create a .htaccess file that’s lean, efficient, and tailored to your site’s current needs.

Dealing with Redirects:

Redirects are essential for managing changes in your website’s structure or handling URL modifications. However, just like obsolete directives, excessive redirects can accumulate over time and negatively impact your site’s speed. It’s crucial to scrutinize your .htaccess for any unnecessary or redundant redirects.

A well-structured .htaccess file should have clear, purpose-driven redirects that guide users seamlessly. Eliminate any superfluous or outdated redirects that may slow down the user’s journey through your site. A concise .htaccess file translates to faster loading times and a more efficient user experience.

Your .htaccess file is the gateway to a well-optimized and efficiently performing website. By removing clutter, cleaning out outdated code, and streamlining redirects, you’re paving the way for an improved user experience and faster loading times. It’s an essential step in your quest to make your WordPress site faster and more competitive in the digital landscape.

Protect Against Brute Force Attacks: Enhancing Login Security

The login page of your WordPress site is a prime target for malicious attacks. Brute force attacks, where hackers systematically attempt various username and password combinations, can put immense strain on your server resources. To safeguard your site against these attacks, consider implementing comprehensive security measures like reCAPTCHA or login attempt limiting.

The Significance of Brute Force Attacks

Brute force attacks are a persistent threat to WordPress websites. In these attacks, hackers use automated tools to try numerous username and password combinations until they gain unauthorized access. Such malicious activities can lead to dire consequences for your site, including:

  1. Resource Drain: Brute force attacks put a tremendous load on your server as they involve a high volume of login attempts in a short period. This increased server load can significantly slow down your site, affecting its responsiveness and overall performance.
  2. Security Vulnerabilities: Continuous login attempts can not only slow down your site but also create security vulnerabilities. If successful, hackers gain unauthorized access to your site, posing a risk to sensitive data and potential malicious actions.

Mitigating Brute Force Attacks

To fortify your website’s defenses against brute force attacks and bolster its speed and security, you can implement the following measures:

  1. reCAPTCHA Integration: Consider integrating Google’s reCAPTCHA, a widely-used security feature, into your login page. reCAPTCHA requires users to solve challenges to prove they are not automated bots. By adding this extra layer of security, you can effectively deter automated login attempts.
  2. Login Attempt Limiting: Utilize security plugins or built-in WordPress settings to limit the number of login attempts from a single IP address within a specific timeframe. This makes it significantly more challenging for hackers to execute brute force attacks.
  3. Two-Factor Authentication (2FA): Enable two-factor authentication for your WordPress site. 2FA adds an extra layer of security by requiring users to provide a secondary authentication method, such as a unique code sent to their mobile device, in addition to their standard login credentials.
  4. Password Strength Requirements: Encourage strong password practices among your users. Implement password strength requirements that include a combination of uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers, and special characters.
  5. Regularly Update Plugins and Themes: Ensure that your WordPress installation, plugins, and themes are up to date. Developers often release security patches, so keeping your site’s components current is crucial for maintaining security.

Limiting Server Login Attempts

In addition to securing your WordPress login, it’s essential to extend these security practices to other aspects of your server, such as SSH access or webmail. Similar to WordPress login attempts, hackers may target these entry points using brute force methods. Implementing login attempt limiting and security measures at the server level can further protect your resources and enhance your site’s overall performance.

By implementing these security measures, you not only protect your WordPress website against brute force attacks but also contribute to its overall speed and resilience. Your site will be better equipped to handle the challenges of the digital landscape, ensuring a fast, secure, and efficient user experience.

Optimize the Database: Enhancing Performance through Data Management

Your website’s database serves as the data storage powerhouse that powers the content and functionality of your WordPress site. However, over time, databases can accumulate unnecessary clutter, including post revisions, spam comments, and transients. This buildup can have adverse effects on your site’s performance and responsiveness. To maintain a fast and efficient website, regular database optimization is essential.

Understanding the Database Clutter

Your WordPress database is a dynamic environment where data is constantly added, modified, and deleted. However, this ongoing process can leave behind unnecessary elements, including:

  1. Post Revisions: WordPress automatically saves revisions of your posts and pages as you edit them. While this feature is handy, it can lead to an abundance of stored revisions that are rarely needed. These redundant revisions consume valuable database space and can slow down your site.
  2. Spam Comments: If your website faces an influx of spam comments, they accumulate in your database. These comments are not only irrelevant but can also affect your site’s performance.
  3. Transients: Transients are temporary pieces of data stored in the database. They can pile up over time and occupy space, leading to slower database queries.
  4. Old plugins: It’s more than often for plugins to leave “garbage” behind after deletion. Make sure you clear up all tables and autoloads that are not necessary.

Database Optimization for Improved Speed

To enhance your website’s performance, regular database optimization is essential. Here’s how you can streamline your database:

  1. Database Cleanup Plugins: WordPress offers various plugins that facilitate database cleanup. These tools help you identify and remove unnecessary data, such as post revisions, spam comments, and transients. The process is simplified, making it accessible to users of all technical levels.
  2. Manual Cleanup: For users comfortable with database management, manual cleanup is an option. You can execute SQL queries to identify and delete specific data elements, providing more control over the cleanup process.
  3. Scheduled Maintenance: Implement regular scheduled maintenance to ensure ongoing optimization. By automating cleanup tasks, you prevent clutter from building up and impacting your site’s speed.

Backup Your Database

Before initiating any database cleanup, it’s crucial to create a backup. Backups provide a safety net in case anything goes wrong during the optimization process. WordPress offers several backup plugins to simplify this task.

Database optimization is a vital aspect of maintaining a fast and responsive WordPress website. By regularly cleaning up clutter, you not only improve your site’s performance but also ensure efficient database operations. Your visitors will benefit from quicker loading times and a smoother user experience, enhancing the overall success of your website.

Optimize PHP Modules: Unleash the Power

Your web server’s PHP modules play a pivotal role in determining the efficiency and speed of your website. It’s crucial to ensure that these modules are not only enabled but also optimized for top-notch performance. Unnecessary modules should be disabled, and those actively utilized by your website need to be fine-tuned to deliver optimal results. Additionally, features like Xdebug, which are valuable for debugging during development, should be disabled on production sites as they can introduce significant overhead to PHP execution.

Understanding the Importance of PHP Modules:

PHP, as a scripting language, relies on various modules to perform specific tasks. These modules are essential for executing PHP code and managing functions such as database interactions, image processing, and more. While these modules are indispensable, they can also introduce complexity and performance bottlenecks if not managed effectively.

Optimizing PHP Modules for Peak Performance:

  1. Module Pruning: Start the optimization process by pruning unnecessary modules. Many web servers come with a wide array of modules installed by default. However, not all websites require the entire suite. Disable any modules that your website doesn’t actively use. This streamlined approach reduces the resource footprint and enhances performance.
  2. Fine-Tuning: For modules that your website relies on, fine-tuning is essential. Adjust the configurations to align with your site’s requirements. For instance, configure your database module to efficiently handle database connections, queries, and caching.
  3. Xdebug and Development Environments: While Xdebug is a valuable tool for debugging during development, it should be disabled in production environments. Xdebug introduces significant overhead to PHP execution, impacting site speed. Keep it enabled only in development or staging environments where debugging is necessary.

Regular Assessments and Updates:

PHP modules are not static; they receive updates and improvements over time. It’s essential to stay informed about these changes and regularly update your modules to ensure both security and performance benefits.

Optimizing PHP modules is a vital component of enhancing your website’s speed and efficiency. By streamlining your module usage and configuring them for optimal performance, you’ll provide your visitors with a faster, more responsive user experience. A well-optimized PHP environment is key to the success of your WordPress site.

Load smart. not lazy! Avoid lazyload above the fold

Lazy loading, as a technique to optimize image loading, is a valuable tool in your quest to make your WordPress website faster. However, like any tool, it should be wielded wisely. One common pitfall to avoid is the lazy loading of elements that are immediately visible on the screen, also known as “above the fold” content. Implementing lazy loading without considering this crucial aspect can result in a subpar user experience, as visitors may witness elements loading right before their eyes.

Understanding Above the Fold

The “above the fold” area on a web page refers to the portion that’s immediately visible to visitors without needing to scroll. It’s prime real estate on your website because it’s what users first see when they land on a page. Elements in this section, such as the page’s main content, navigation, or any call-to-action buttons, should ideally load instantly for a seamless experience. Lazy loading comes into play for content that appears below the fold, allowing images and other resources to load only when a visitor scrolls down. This minimizes the initial loading time and conserves bandwidth.

Best Practices for Lazy Loading:

  1. Prioritize the Fold: To enhance user experience, prioritize loading elements above the fold instantly. Lazy loading should kick in for content that’s not immediately visible.
  2. Image and Resource Optimization: Even above-the-fold content should be optimized. Ensure that images are appropriately compressed and resources are minimized to deliver a speedy initial load.
  3. Plugin Considerations: If you’re using plugins to implement lazy loading, check if they provide options to exclude above-the-fold elements from the lazy load queue.
  4. Testing and Monitoring: Regularly test your website’s performance and user experience to make sure lazy loading is working as intended. Adjust configurations as needed.

A Thoughtful Approach to Lazy Loading

Lazy loading is a powerful tool to speed up your website, but it’s essential to employ it thoughtfully. Ensuring that above-the-fold content loads promptly while optimizing below-the-fold elements helps strike the right balance. This way, you’re providing visitors with a fast and visually satisfying experience from the moment they land on your site.

Mail Services Optimization: Lightening the Load

While optimizing your WordPress website for speed, it’s crucial to pay attention to the services running alongside it, and one often overlooked aspect is the mail server. Running your mail server directly on your web server might seem convenient, but it can be resource-intensive and impact your site’s performance. To enhance speed and efficiency, consider external mail services like Outlook Business, Zoho, or G Suite. These specialized mail services can offload email processing work from your web server, potentially leading to a significant performance boost.

The Resource-Intensive Nature of Mail Servers

Mail servers handle a variety of tasks, from sending and receiving emails to filtering out spam and ensuring secure communication. While these functions are vital for your online communication, they can also consume valuable server resources, leaving fewer for your website to utilize. This competition for resources can result in slower website performance, longer loading times, and an overall diminished user experience.

The Benefits of External Mail Services

  1. Reduced Server Load: External mail services are designed to handle email-related tasks efficiently. By utilizing their expertise, you can offload resource-intensive email processing from your web server, allowing it to focus on what it does best – serving your website to visitors.
  2. Improved Email Functionality: Specialized mail services often come with advanced features, such as robust spam filtering, easy integration with email clients, and enhanced security protocols. This ensures a seamless and secure email experience for you and your users.
  3. Reliability and Redundancy: External mail services are built to provide high availability and data redundancy. Your emails are less likely to experience downtime, and important communications remain secure.
  4. Scalability: As your website grows, so will your email communication. External services can easily accommodate increased email traffic without affecting your website’s performance.

The Migration Process

Transitioning to an external mail service may seem like a significant change, but the process is usually straightforward. Most services offer migration guides and tools to help you seamlessly move your existing email data.

In your quest to make your WordPress website faster and more efficient, don’t overlook the impact of your mail server. By choosing external mail services, you can lighten the load on your web server, ensuring that it can deliver your website’s content with the speed and responsiveness your users expect.

Proxies: Balancing Security and Speed

As you work towards optimizing your WordPress website for maximum speed, one area that often requires scrutiny is the use of proxies. Services like Cloudflare and anti-spam firewalls can be invaluable for enhancing security and performance, but they can also introduce complexities and, in some cases, latency. It’s crucial to evaluate whether the advantages of using proxies outweigh the potential downsides in your specific situation. Sometimes, forgoing a proxy can lead to faster load times and a more streamlined website experience.

The Role of Proxies

Proxies act as intermediaries between your website and its users, offering several benefits:

  1. Security Enhancement: Proxies can provide an additional layer of security, protecting your website from threats like DDoS attacks, malicious traffic, and other vulnerabilities.
  2. Content Delivery Acceleration: Proxies, like Cloudflare, can cache your website’s content on servers located around the world. This can lead to faster loading times for users, especially those far from your web server.
  3. Load Balancing: Proxies can distribute incoming traffic across multiple servers to ensure efficient resource utilization and maintain consistent performance during traffic spikes.

The Potential Downsides

However, using proxies isn’t without its challenges:

  1. Configuration Complexity: Setting up and configuring proxies can be intricate, and incorrect settings might lead to performance issues.
  2. Latency: While proxies aim to accelerate content delivery, they can also introduce latency, especially if they are not optimized correctly or if users are geographically distant from the proxy servers.
  3. Limited Control: When using third-party proxies, you may have less direct control over certain aspects of your website’s performance and security.

The Evaluation Process

To decide whether to use proxies, it’s essential to undertake a thorough evaluation:

  1. Assess Your Website’s Needs: Consider your website’s specific requirements. If you’re running a small blog with minimal traffic, the benefits of a proxy might not be as pronounced compared to a high-traffic e-commerce site.
  2. Geographic Distribution of Your Audience: If your users are located worldwide, a content delivery network (CDN) or proxy like Cloudflare can be beneficial. However, if your audience is primarily local, the benefits might be limited.
  3. Monitor Website Performance: Continuously monitor your website’s performance with and without a proxy. Use tools like Google PageSpeed Insights or GTmetrix to assess loading times and user experience.
  4. Review Security Requirements: Consider the specific security threats your website faces and whether a proxy helps mitigate them effectively.

Making an Informed Decision

Your choice regarding proxies should align with your website’s unique needs. It’s not a one-size-fits-all solution, and what works for one website may not work for another. By carefully evaluating the trade-offs between security, performance, and complexity, you can make an informed decision that optimizes your website for speed and overall efficiency.

Make your WordPress faster by thinking out of the box!

In your relentless pursuit of a faster and more efficient WordPress website, you’ve left no stone unturned. Speed isn’t just a luxury; it’s a necessity. Your quest began by decluttering WordPress, optimizing essential configurations, and securing vulnerable files. This laid the foundation for a lighter, swifter site. You fortified your login pages and thought beyond WordPress, securing server resources by limiting login attempts for various services. The seamless user experience is paramount, and you’ve ensured that essential elements load without delay.

Additionally, you’ve explored external mail services, offloading resource-intensive tasks, and considered the impact of proxies, weighing the balance between security and speed. These steps collectively transform your WordPress website into a high-speed, secure, and responsive digital powerhouse. Website optimization is an ongoing journey, and by continually assessing and evolving, your WordPress site is poised to remain at the forefront of speed and performance in the digital realm.

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