Object cache in WordPress explained

Last edited:
October 31, 2023
Reading time:
5 mins
Cache, Hosting






Object cache in WordPress...

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There are a lot of different types of “cache” you often read or hear about. You surely know page caching and file caching (browser cache). But what about Object Cache?

In the fast-paced world of WordPress performance optimization, it’s crucial to understand the tools and techniques available to enhance your website’s loading speed. Among these, Object Cache is a critical component that can significantly improve your site’s performance. In this comprehensive guide, we will unravel the complexities of Object Cache in WordPress. We’ll explore what Object Cache is, highlight its importance and present the available plugins that utilize it.

Defining Object Cache

In the context of WordPress, Object Cache is a critical component designed to optimize the performance and speed of your website. It serves as a high-speed data storage mechanism that reduces the need for repeated database queries, subsequently lessening the load on your server and significantly accelerating page loading times.

To put it more technically, Object Cache acts as a data storage buffer where frequently accessed pieces of information, like database queries, are temporarily stored. Instead of fetching the same data repeatedly from the database, WordPress can quickly retrieve it from the Object Cache, saving valuable processing time. This streamlined process enhances the overall efficiency of your website, resulting in faster page loading and an improved user experience.

How Object Cache Works:

To truly grasp the utility of Object Cache, it’s essential to comprehend its inner workings. Here’s a detailed breakdown of how it operates:

  1. Database Query Execution: When WordPress performs a database query (for example, to retrieve content or user information), it’s a resource-intensive process. The server must communicate with the database to fetch the requested data.
  2. Caching the Query Result: Object Cache steps in after the initial query. Once the query is executed, its results are cached, meaning the data retrieved is temporarily stored in the Object Cache.
  3. Swift Data Retrieval: If the same database query is requested again – which happens quite frequently in dynamic websites – Object Cache comes to the rescue. Instead of repeating the resource-intensive database query, WordPress swiftly retrieves the cached result from the Object Cache.
  4. Reducing Server Load: This efficiency is two-fold. First, it significantly accelerates page load times, as cached results are served almost instantly. Second, it reduces the server’s load since it doesn’t need to repeatedly process the same database queries. The server becomes more capable of handling multiple concurrent users without slowing down or crashing.

In essence, Object Cache acts as a dynamic, on-the-fly data storage solution, ensuring rapid data retrieval, minimized server load, and an optimized user experience. It’s an indispensable component for any WordPress website aiming for top-notch performance

Types of Object Cache


Memcached is a widely-used Object Cache system that stores data in memory, providing rapid access to cached objects. It’s worth noting that Memcached should not be confused with Memcache, as they are two distinct caching systems. Memcached’s key aspects include:

  • Memory-First Approach: Memcached excels at storing data primarily in RAM. This memory-first approach results in exceptionally fast read and write operations.
  • Distributed Caching: It’s designed for distributed environments, meaning you can use multiple Memcached servers to enhance performance and ensure redundancy.
  • In-Memory Caching: Cached data is stored directly in RAM, which is significantly faster to access compared to traditional disk-based storage.


Redis is another high-performance caching system known for its exceptional speed and versatility. It offers advanced features such as data persistence and support for complex data structures. Redis complements Memcached in specific use cases, making it a preferred choice for numerous WordPress sites. Key aspects of Redis include:

  • Data Persistence: Redis offers data persistence, allowing cached data to be saved to disk. This feature ensures that cached data remains intact even after a server restart.
  • Complex Data Structures: Redis supports intricate data structures, enabling more versatile caching options, which is particularly useful for applications with complex data requirements.
  • Advanced Use Cases: Redis is often preferred for applications demanding advanced features beyond basic caching, like message queuing and real-time analytics.

Opcode Alternate PHP Cache (APC/APCu)

Using APC as a Last Resort for Object Caching

If advanced object caching mechanisms like Memcached or Redis aren’t available on your server, APCu (APC User Cache) can serve as a last resort for object caching. However, it’s essential to differentiate between opcode caching and object caching.

Opcode caching (such as Zend OPCache in modern PHP versions) optimizes the execution of PHP scripts, enhancing overall server performance by reducing the need for recompilation. It accelerates PHP code execution but is distinct from object caching, which focuses on storing and retrieving data objects.

While modern PHP versions (5.5 and later) have embraced Zend OPCache as the default opcode cache, APCu persists as a valuable tool for storing and retrieving user data objects in a cached manner. So, it’s a worthy alternative when more advanced object caching solutions aren’t accessible. This dual nature of APCu makes it a versatile option that can enhance your site’s performance, whether through opcode caching or object caching, depending on the specific needs of your environment.

In summary, these Object Cache alternatives offer various benefits and functionalities, catering to different needs. Understanding their strengths and characteristics allows you to make informed decisions based on your specific project requirements.

Objects Typically Cached in WordPress

Database Queries:

  • What they are: Database queries are requests made to your WordPress site’s database to retrieve or update information. They’re responsible for various tasks like fetching posts, comments, or user data.
  • Why they’re important: Database queries are fundamental to a WordPress site, but they can be resource-intensive. When WordPress caches these queries, it stores the results in a temporary location, so they don’t need to be repeatedly retrieved from the database. This reduces the load on your database server, resulting in faster page load times.
  • Impact on performance: Caching database queries can have a significant impact on your site’s performance, especially if your site has complex queries or experiences heavy traffic. It leads to a smoother user experience, reducing the time it takes to display content.

Widgets and Transients:

  • What they are: Widgets are small blocks of content that perform various functions and can be placed in widgetized areas on your site, like sidebars. Transients, on the other hand, are temporary pieces of data that are often used in WordPress to store cached data for a specific time.
  • Why they’re important: Both widgets and transients can be resource-intensive, requiring server resources to generate or retrieve data. When these objects are cached, it optimizes the retrieval of widget data and transients, resulting in improved overall performance.
  • Impact on performance: Caching widgets and transients contributes to faster loading times, especially on pages with multiple widgets or dynamic content.

User Data:

  • What it is: User data encompasses information related to site users, such as login details, preferences, and user profiles.
  • Why it’s important: Caching user data is essential for personalizing a user’s experience on your site. By storing this data in a cached form, WordPress can quickly retrieve and display personalized content without the need to repeatedly query the database.
  • Impact on performance: Caching user data significantly improves the user experience, as it ensures that users see their personalized content promptly. This is especially crucial for membership or e-commerce sites where personalization is a key feature.

By caching these types of objects, WordPress enhances its ability to provide faster and more efficient content delivery while reducing the strain on the server. It’s an essential technique for maintaining a responsive and high-performing website.

Plugins that Implement Object Cache

  • W3 Total Cache:

W3 Total Cache is a widely-used caching plugin offering comprehensive features. We explore how it implements Object Cache and its specific settings for various caching systems.

  • LiteSpeed Cache:

LiteSpeed Cache is renowned for its efficiency in caching. We discuss how it leverages Object Cache to optimize WordPress site performance.

  • Redis Object Cache:

Redis Object Cache is a dedicated plugin tailored for Redis caching. We uncover its advantages and guide you through the configuration process.

  • Speed Optimizer:

For those preferring Memcached, Speed Optimizer All-in-One plugin utilizes memcached for object caching.

  • Object cache 4 everyone

The last available plugin in WordPress repository supporting the latest version of WordPress that implements object caching.

Use object caching for your WordPress!

Object Cache is a powerful tool to enhance your WordPress site’s performance. Caching frequently accessed data reduces the server load, resulting in faster page load times and a more responsive website. With a solid understanding of Object Cache, its types, and effective implementation strategies, you can maximize your site’s potential for speed and efficiency.

Faster websites not only improve user experiences but also boost search engine rankings. So, make use of Object Cache, explore the plugins discussed and optimize your website’s performance further.

🚀 Suggested Reading: Now that you know what object cache is, learn how to pick a hosting company that suits your needs and can prove a reliable partner.

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