How to measure WordPress speed with precision

Last edited:
October 31, 2023
Reading time:
5 mins






How to measure WordPress ...

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In the competitive landscape of digital marketing and SEO, the speed of your WordPress website can be a game-changer. A fast-loading site enhances user experience, boosts SEO rankings, and increases conversions. To achieve optimal performance, you need a precise approach to measure and optimize your WordPress website’s speed. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore the importance of using a combination of three powerful tools: Google PageSpeed Insights, Query Monitor, and GTmetrix. These tools offer unique insights into different facets of your site’s performance and enable you to achieve the utmost precision in speed optimization.

Why Speed Measurement Matters

Before delving into the tools and techniques for precise speed measurement and optimization, let’s understand why speed is paramount:

  1. User Experience: Slow websites frustrate users, leading to higher bounce rates and reduced engagement. A fast site keeps visitors engaged and encourages them to explore further.

  2. SEO Advantages: Search engines, particularly Google, consider page speed as a ranking factor. Faster sites often rank higher in search results, improving your site’s visibility.

  3. Conversion Rates: Speed impacts conversion rates significantly. Each second of delay can result in potential customers leaving your site, leading to missed opportunities.

  4. Mobile Friendliness: Speed is even more critical for mobile users. Google places a significant emphasis on mobile-friendliness, and mobile users expect quick load times.

  5. Cost Efficiency: Improved speed can reduce hosting costs by decreasing resource usage and making your website more efficient.

The Need for Precision

Measuring website speed isn’t about a casual glance at load times; it’s about precision because subtle differences can significantly impact user satisfaction and search engine rankings. A one-second delay in page load time can result in:

  • 11% fewer page views.
  • 16% decrease in customer satisfaction.
  • 7% loss in conversions.

To achieve this level of precision, we recommend using a combination of three essential tools: Google PageSpeed Insights, Query Monitor, and GTmetrix.

Tools for Precise Speed Measurement

To accurately assess your WordPress website’s speed, we recommend using a combination of three tools: Google PageSpeed Insights, Query Monitor, and GTmetrix. Each tool offers unique insights into different aspects of your site’s performance.

1. Google PageSpeed Insights

Google’s Evaluation: PageSpeed Insights is developed by Chrome team, and it provides valuable insights into how Google perceives your website’s speed. Since Google is the leading search engine, its evaluation directly affects your site’s search engine rankings. Therefore, knowing what Google thinks about your site’s speed is crucial for SEO.

User-Centric Metrics: PageSpeed Insights uses Core Web Vitals, which are user-centric metrics that measure real user experiences. These metrics, including Largest Contentful Paint (LCP), First Input Delay (FID), and Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS), focus on aspects like loading, interactivity, and visual stability that directly impact user satisfaction.

Mobile and Desktop Analysis: PageSpeed Insights provides separate scores and recommendations for both mobile and desktop versions of your site. This distinction allows you to tailor optimizations for different platforms.

Google’s Influence: Google PageSpeed Insights gives you insights into specific areas that Google values when assessing website speed. It’s essentially a window into what Google considers important for user experience.

2. Query Monitor

Deep Database and PHP Analysis: Query Monitor is an invaluable tool for WordPress because it offers unparalleled transparency into your website’s performance. It goes beyond the surface and allows you to inspect database queries, PHP execution, and other internal processes. Loading time of your site calculated directly on your dashboard will always be far more accurate than any online measurement software out there. The reason is that a lot of factors can affect the software’s measurement, while the loading time produced from Query Monitor is calculated straight in your code. 

Real-Time Data: Unlike some other tools that provide after-the-fact analysis, Query Monitor offers real-time data as you interact with your website. This makes it ideal for diagnosing issues that may only occur under specific conditions or during user interactions.

Error-Free Insights: Query Monitor is known for its reliability and accuracy. It provides detailed information without introducing errors or inaccuracies, making it the go-to choice for diagnosing performance bottlenecks and errors.

Granular Timing: Query Monitor allows you to drill down into precise timing information for various components of your WordPress site, helping you identify which operations are causing delays.

3. GTmetrix (or Similar Software)

Holistic Performance Analysis: GTmetrix provides a holistic view of your website’s performance by combining data from various sources, including Google PageSpeed Insights and Yahoo’s YSlow. This comprehensive approach ensures a thorough evaluation of your site’s speed.

External Resource Analysis: GTmetrix allows you to assess the impact of external resources like third-party scripts, stylesheets, and fonts on your site’s loading times. This is crucial because these resources can significantly affect page load times.

Detailed Waterfall Chart: The waterfall chart in GTmetrix breaks down the loading of each resource on your page, providing granular insights into what’s causing delays. This level of detail helps you pinpoint specific areas that require optimization.

Recommendations and Scores: GTmetrix offers recommendations for optimization, allowing you to address issues that impact your site’s speed. It also provides scores based on a combination of factors, helping you understand the overall performance.

The Power of Using All Three Tools Together

The key to precise speed measurement and optimization lies in the synergy of these three tools. Here’s why using Google PageSpeed Insights, Query Monitor, and GTmetrix together is essential:

Holistic Assessment: While each tool offers unique insights, they collectively provide a holistic assessment of your website’s speed. Google PageSpeed Insights evaluates your site from a search engine perspective and focuses on user-centric metrics. Query Monitor dives deep into the internal workings of your WordPress site, offering real-time data and error-free insights. GTmetrix combines data from various sources, providing comprehensive external resource analysis and detailed performance recommendations.

Comprehensive Recommendations: By combining these tools, you gain access to a wide range of optimization recommendations. Google PageSpeed Insights suggests SEO-friendly optimizations, Query Monitor helps you fine-tune your code and database queries, and GTmetrix provides actionable suggestions for improving overall performance. Implementing recommendations from all three sources ensures a well-rounded optimization strategy.

Precise Identification of Issues: Each tool excels in identifying specific issues. Google PageSpeed Insights reveals how Google views your site’s speed, helping you prioritize improvements that impact search rankings. Query Monitor uncovers internal bottlenecks and errors that might go unnoticed. GTmetrix’s waterfall chart offers a detailed breakdown of resource loading, making it easier to pinpoint and address delays.

User-Centric and SEO-Focused: Google PageSpeed Insights places a strong emphasis on user-centric metrics and SEO-friendly recommendations. Query Monitor offers real-time insights into how your site performs during user interactions. GTmetrix complements these by providing actionable suggestions and scores based on a combination of factors.

Continuous Optimization: Speed optimization is an ongoing process. By regularly using these tools in tandem, you can monitor your site’s performance over time, identify emerging issues, and fine-tune your optimizations to align with changing user expectations and search engine algorithms.

Measuring with Precision for Global Audiences

While the combination of these three tools provides a robust foundation for measuring and optimizing your WordPress speed, it’s crucial to consider the geographic locations of your target audience. After all, users from different regions may experience varying load times due to the physical distance between their location and your server.

To address this, consider the following:

  • Content Delivery Network (CDN): Implement a Content Delivery Network like Cloudflare or Amazon CloudFront. CDNs distribute your website’s content across multiple servers located in different geographic regions. This reduces the distance data needs to travel and improves loading times for users worldwide.

  • Server Location: Choose a hosting server location that’s geographically close to your primary audience. Many hosting providers offer servers in various regions, so select one that aligns with your audience’s location for faster data transmission.

  • Server Response Times: Use tools like GTmetrix and Pingdom to evaluate your server’s response times from different geographic locations. If you notice significant disparities, consider upgrading to a hosting plan with better global coverage to ensure consistent speed for users worldwide.


In the digital landscape, speed is not just a convenience; it’s a competitive advantage. Precise measurement and optimization of your WordPress website’s speed are paramount for delivering an exceptional user experience, improving SEO rankings, and increasing conversions. Google PageSpeed Insights, Query Monitor, and GTmetrix are powerful tools that, when used together, provide a 360-degree view of your website’s performance.

Google PageSpeed Insights offers insights aligned with Google’s evaluation and user-centric metrics, which impact SEO and user experience. Query Monitor offers unparalleled transparency into your site’s internal operations, ensuring error-free insights. GTmetrix provides a holistic view and detailed analysis, offering actionable recommendations for overall performance improvement.

By combining these three tools and considering your audience’s location, you’ll be equipped to measure and optimize your WordPress website’s speed with precision. This comprehensive approach will help you deliver a fast, efficient, and satisfying user experience, ultimately leading to the success of your online presence.

🚀 Suggested Reading: Looks like you now know how to measure your WordPress speed like a pro! Maybe interested into checking our article about reasons for slow website in PageSpeed insights.

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