Remove website field from comments form in WordPress

Last edited:
November 5, 2023
Reading time:
4 mins






Remove website field from...

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The WordPress comment system is a valuable tool for engaging with your website’s audience, encouraging discussions, and receiving feedback. However, not all websites require commenters to provide their website URLs when leaving a reply.

In some cases, you may want to simplify the comment form and remove the website field altogether. In this guide, we will show you how to achieve this by making a simple adjustment to your WordPress theme’s code.

Removing the Website Field:

To remove the website field from the WordPress comment form, you will need to make a modification to your theme’s functions.php file. This is a straightforward process that involves adding a code snippet to your theme’s functions file. Once applied, the website field will no longer be displayed on the comment form.

Below, we provide the code snippet you can use to remove the website field. Simply copy and paste this code into your theme’s functions.php file, and the change will take effect immediately.

function remove_website_field($fields) {
    return $fields;
add_filter('comment_form_default_fields', 'remove_website_field');

This code uses the unset() function to remove the website (URL) field from the comment form. After adding this code and saving the functions.php file, the website field should no longer appear on the comment form when users leave a reply on your WordPress site.

Adding the code:

  1. Access Your WordPress Dashboard:
    • Log in to your WordPress admin dashboard.
  2. Navigate to the Theme Editor:
    • From the dashboard menu, go to “Appearance.”
    • Click on “Theme Editor.”
  3. Select Your Child Theme:
    • In the Theme Editor, you’ll see a list of theme files on the right-hand side. Look for your child theme’s name, and make sure it’s selected.
  4. Edit the functions.php File:
    • In the list of theme files, find and click on the functions.php file. This will open the file editor.
  5. Add the Code:
    • Now, you can paste the code snippet provided earlier into the functions.php file. Paste it at the end of the file, just before the closing ?> tag if it exists.
  6. Save Your Changes:
    • After adding the code, click the “Update File” button to save your changes.
  7. Verify the Change:
    • To ensure that the website field has been successfully removed, go to a post or page on your website where comments are enabled. You should no longer see the website field on the comment form.

That’s it! You’ve successfully removed the website field from the WordPress comment form by adding the code to your child theme’s functions.php file. This customization will help simplify the comment form for your users and meet your website’s specific requirements.

Why Remove the Website Field?

There are several reasons you might consider removing the website field from the comment form:

  1. Simplifying the User Experience: For some websites, asking users to provide their website URL may not be necessary and can make the comment form appear more complex than it needs to be. Simplifying the form can encourage more users to leave comments.
  2. Privacy Concerns: Some commenters may feel uncomfortable sharing their website URL, and removing this field can help address privacy concerns.
  3. Spam Prevention: While the website field is often used for legitimate purposes, it can also attract spammers looking to promote their own sites. By removing the field, you may reduce the likelihood of spam comments.

Optimize the comment form by removing website

Customizing the WordPress comment form is a practical way to enhance the user experience and align the comment system with your website’s objectives. By removing the website field, you can simplify the form and address privacy concerns, making it more inviting for users to engage with your content. With the provided code snippet, you have the means to implement this change easily and efficiently.

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