Secure your WordPress code with sanitization and escaping

Last edited:
November 4, 2023
Reading time:
6 mins






Secure your WordPress cod...

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Sanitize or escape? Escape or sanitize? Let’s take it step by step and explain in detail how you can secure data input and output in your website.

WordPress is the most popular content management system on the web, powering a significant portion of websites across the globe. However, this widespread use also makes it a target for malicious actors seeking to exploit vulnerabilities.

One essential aspect of securing your WordPress site is understanding and implementing escaping and sanitizing techniques. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll delve into what escaping and sanitizing are, their differences, and why they are crucial in maintaining the security and integrity of your WordPress website.

What is Escaping?

Escaping is a security mechanism used to prevent untrusted data from being interpreted as code. In the context of WordPress, escaping primarily involves taking user input and ensuring that it cannot execute harmful scripts or commands when displayed. Essentially, escaping safeguards your website from cross-site scripting (XSS) attacks.

Consider a scenario where a user submits a comment on your WordPress site, and within the comment, they include malicious JavaScript code. Without proper escaping, when this comment is displayed, the JavaScript code could execute in the browsers of other users who view the comment. This could potentially lead to various security issues, including unauthorized access, data theft, or website defacement.

WordPress provides several escaping functions, such as esc_html, esc_attr, esc_js, and esc_url, each designed for specific contexts. For instance, esc_html is used to escape data being output as HTML text, while esc_js is used for escaping JavaScript.

What is Sanitizing?

Sanitizing, on the other hand, involves cleaning and validating user input data to ensure it adheres to expected formats and standards. While escaping focuses on preventing the execution of malicious code, sanitizing ensures that the data’s format and content are safe and valid.

In the context of WordPress, sanitizing typically involves ensuring that data adheres to specific formats, such as URLs, email addresses, or integers, and is free from potentially harmful content. WordPress provides various sanitization functions, such as sanitize_text_field, sanitize_email, and absint, to help validate and sanitize data.

What is the Difference?

The key difference between escaping and sanitizing lies in their objectives. Escaping is primarily concerned with preventing malicious code execution, while sanitizing focuses on validating and cleaning data to ensure it adheres to the expected format and is safe for further processing.

Why Use Sanitize for Input?

Using sanitization for input data is crucial for several reasons:

  1. Data Integrity: Sanitizing input data helps maintain data integrity by ensuring that it conforms to the expected format and standards. For example, it ensures that email addresses are valid or that integers are free from non-numeric characters.
  2. Security: By validating and cleaning input data, sanitization prevents potentially harmful or malformed data from being processed further. This reduces the risk of vulnerabilities and security threats.
  3. Compatibility: Sanitized data is more likely to be compatible with other parts of your WordPress site, such as database storage or third-party integrations. It helps maintain consistent data structures and formats.
  4. User Experience: Properly sanitized input data can enhance the user experience by preventing issues like broken links or formatting errors.
  5. Reduced Vulnerabilities: Sanitizing input data is a proactive measure that reduces the likelihood of security vulnerabilities, such as SQL injection or data manipulation attacks, from occurring.

Why Use Escape for Output?

Using escaping for output data is equally important for the following reasons:

  1. Prevent XSS Attacks: Escaping ensures that user-generated content, such as comments or form submissions, cannot execute harmful scripts when displayed on your site. This is crucial in preventing cross-site scripting (XSS) attacks.
  2. Maintain Data Integrity: By escaping output data, you preserve the integrity of the data. This means that the content’s original format and structure remain intact, ensuring that it is correctly displayed to users.
  3. Compliance with Web Standards: Escaping helps ensure that your website complies with web standards and best practices. It prevents issues like malformed HTML or attributes, which can affect how your site is rendered in different browsers.
  4. User Trust: When your site displays content as intended, it builds user trust. Users are more likely to trust and engage with your site when they see that their content is accurately and safely presented.
  5. Prevent Data Leaks: Properly escaping output data prevents the inadvertent disclosure of sensitive information, such as user data, credentials, or proprietary content.

Using Escaping and Sanitizing in Practice

Now that we understand the significance of escaping and sanitizing, let’s explore how to implement these techniques effectively within your WordPress site. We’ll look at practical examples and code snippets to illustrate their application.

Escaping for Output

WordPress offers a variety of escaping functions for different contexts. Here are some common ones:

  1. esc_html: Use this function to escape data being output as HTML text. For instance, if you’re displaying data on the front-end, you can use esc_html to ensure that any potentially harmful HTML or scripts are safely displayed as text.
    $post_views = '<script>alert("Malicious Script");</script>';
    echo esc_html($post_views);

    The above code will ensure that the script within the $user_comment variable is treated as text and not executed.

  2. esc_url: This function is used for escaping URLs. It ensures that URLs are properly formatted and prevents potential XSS attacks through malicious links.
    $user_link = 'javascript:alert("Malicious Script")';
    echo esc_url($user_link);

    The esc_url function will ensure that the URL in $user_link is correctly formatted and safe to display.

  3. esc_attr: This function is used for escaping HTML attributes.
    $user_attribute = ' onmouseover="alert(\'Malicious Script\')"';
    echo '<div ' . esc_attr($user_attribute) . '>Safe Content</div>';

    esc_attr ensures that any potentially harmful attributes are safely displayed.

Sanitizing for Input

WordPress offers a range of sanitization functions to validate and clean input data:

  1. sanitize_text_field: Use this function to sanitize text input, removing any potentially harmful characters.
    $user_input = '<script>alert("Malicious Script");</script>';
    $sanitized_input = sanitize_text_field($user_input);
    update_post_meta('post_id', $sanitized_input );

    The sanitize_text_field function will remove any HTML or script tags from $user_input.

  2. sanitize_email: This function is used to sanitize email addresses, ensuring they adhere to the correct format.
    $user_email = '';
    $sanitized_email = sanitize_email($user_email);
    update_post_meta('post_id', $sanitized_email);

    sanitize_email will validate the email address and return a sanitized version.


Securing your WordPress site is paramount to protect it from potential threats and vulnerabilities. Escaping and sanitizing are fundamental techniques to ensure that user input and output data are safe, valid, and free from malicious code. By applying these techniques along with additional security measures, you can safeguard your website and provide a secure experience for your users. Regularly auditing and updating your site’s security practices will help keep your WordPress site safe from evolving threats and ensure its long-term integrity.

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