White-label your WP Darshboard for your clients

Last edited:
October 31, 2023
Reading time:
8 mins






White-label your WP Darsh...

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White-labeling your WordPress dashboard and admin interface is a strategic move that can enhance your professional image as a web developer or agency. It allows you to present a branded and polished user experience to your clients while maintaining the core functionality of WordPress. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore the benefits and reasons why you should consider white-labeling, provide step-by-step instructions, and even include code snippets to help you customize and elevate your WordPress dashboard and admin area.

Benefits of White-labeling Your WordPress Dashboard:

  1. Professionalism: White-labeling your WordPress dashboard instantly conveys a professional and cohesive brand image to your clients. It demonstrates your commitment to delivering a polished product.
  2. Client Confidence: A branded dashboard builds trust and confidence in your clients, making them feel like they are using a custom-built solution tailored to their needs.
  3. Brand Recognition: Consistent branding across the dashboard reinforces your agency’s identity and increases brand recognition among clients.
  4. Customization: White-labeling allows you to customize the dashboard to fit your clients’ specific requirements, including color schemes, logos, and branding elements.
  5. Simplified User Experience: By removing unnecessary WordPress branding, you can simplify the user experience for clients who may not be familiar with the WordPress platform.
  6. Marketing Opportunities: Add links, resources, or promotional materials directly within the dashboard to market your services, products, or affiliate partnerships.

Reasons to White-label Your WordPress Admin Area:

  1. Client-Centric Approach: White-labeling demonstrates your commitment to delivering a client-centric solution. Your clients will appreciate the attention to detail.
  2. Competitive Edge: In a competitive market, a customized and branded dashboard can set you apart from other agencies and developers.
  3. Consistency: Maintain a consistent brand identity throughout your clients’ user experience, from the front-end of their website to the admin area.
  4. Enhanced User Experience: By removing unnecessary distractions and simplifying the admin interface, you improve the user experience for your clients.
  5. Control: Customize the dashboard to your specifications, including the removal of WordPress logos and branding elements.

How to White-label Your WordPress Dashboard:

  1. Customize the Login Page: Modify the WordPress login page by adding your logo and brand colors. You can achieve this by adding code snippets to your theme’s functions.php file.
  2. Customize the Admin Menu: Reorder, rename, or hide menu items in the WordPress admin menu using functions like remove_menu_page() and add_menu_page().
  3. Change Admin Footer Text: Alter the default “Thank you for creating with WordPress” footer text to include your agency’s name and contact information.
  4. Branding on the Dashboard: Replace the WordPress logo on the admin dashboard with your own logo using CSS.
  5. Admin Color Scheme: Create a custom color scheme that matches your brand and set it as the default color scheme for your clients’ dashboards.

Code snippets for branding your client sites

Here are the code snippets for each of the five recommended changes to white-label your WordPress dashboard and admin area:

1. Customize the Login Page:

To modify the WordPress login page with your logo and brand colors, add the following code to your theme’s functions.php file:

function custom_login_logo() {
    echo '<style type="text/css">
        .login h1 a {
            background-image: url(' . get_template_directory_uri() . '/images/your-logo.png);
            background-size: 100px auto; /* Adjust the dimensions as needed */
            width: 100px; /* Adjust the width as needed */
        body.login {
            background-color: #f2f2f2; /* Set your preferred background color */
add_action('login_head', 'custom_login_logo');

Replace 'your-logo.png' with the path to your logo image file. Adjust the background size and width to match your logo’s dimensions, and set the background color as desired.

2. Customize the Admin Menu:

You can reorder, rename, or hide menu items in the WordPress admin menu using functions like remove_menu_page() and add_menu_page(). Here’s an example to remove the ‘Posts’ menu item:

//remove unwanted menu items from menu or wpadminbar
function my_admin_bar_render() {
    global $wp_admin_bar;
add_action( 'wp_before_admin_bar_render', 'my_admin_bar_render' );

//remove menu page
function custom_remove_menu_items() {
    remove_menu_page('edit.php'); // Removes the 'Posts' menu item
add_action('admin_menu', 'custom_remove_menu_items');

3. Change Admin Footer Text:

Alter the default “Thank you for creating with WordPress” footer text to include your agency’s name and contact information. Add this code to your theme’s functions.php file:

function custom_admin_footer() {
    echo 'Copyright © ' . date('Y') . ' Your Agency Name. All rights reserved.';
add_filter('admin_footer_text', 'custom_admin_footer');

Replace 'Your Agency Name' with your agency’s name.

4. Branding on the Dashboard and Login Page:

To replace the WordPress logo on the admin dashboard with your own logo using CSS, add the following code to your theme’s functions.php file:

//Dashboard logo (upper left in admin pages)
function custom_admin_dashboard_logo() {
    echo '<style type="text/css">
        #wp-admin-bar-wp-logo > .ab-item .ab-icon:before {
            background-image: url(' . get_template_directory_uri() . '/images/your-logo.png);
            background-size: cover; /* Adjust as needed */
            width: 20px; /* Adjust as needed */
            height: 20px; /* Adjust as needed */
add_action('admin_head', 'custom_admin_dashboard_logo');

//Login page Logo and Form Box
add_action('login_head', 'my_custom_wploginlogo', 10);
function my_custom_wploginlogo() {
  echo '<style>
    .login h1 a {background-image:none,url(#)!important;background-size:contain!important;height:auto!important;width:auto!important;} 
	.login #login_error, .login .message, .login .success {border-radius:5px!important;} #loginform{border-radius:5px!important;}

Replace 'your-logo.png' with the path to your logo image file and adjust the width and height as needed.

5. Admin Color Scheme:

Create a custom color scheme that matches your brand and set it as the default color scheme for your clients’ dashboards. You can add the following code to your theme’s functions.php file:

function custom_admin_color_scheme() {
        __('Custom Color Scheme'),
        get_template_directory_uri() . '/custom-color.css', // Path to your custom color scheme CSS file
        array('#333', '#666', '#999', '#fff')
add_action('admin_init', 'custom_admin_color_scheme');

function set_custom_admin_color_scheme() {
    get_user_option('admin_color', get_current_user_id(), 'custom-color-scheme');
add_filter('get_user_option_admin_color', 'set_custom_admin_color_scheme');

Replace 'custom-color.css' with the path to your custom color scheme CSS file. Adjust the color values to match your brand’s colors.

Brand the websites you deliver!

These code snippets provide a starting point for white-labeling your WordPress dashboard and admin area. Customize them further to align with your branding and design preferences.These are just the beginning steps to white-labeling your WordPress dashboard and admin area. With careful planning and customization, you can create a branded experience that leaves a lasting impression on your clients. From the login page to the admin menu and dashboard, every interaction can reflect your agency’s professionalism and commitment to delivering top-notch solutions.