Why your wordpress site is slow in PageSpeed Insights

Last edited:
October 28, 2023
Reading time:
5 mins






Why your wordpress site i...

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PageSpeed Insights, a web performance tool developed by the Chrome Dev Team, is a trusted resource for web developers and site owners who are serious about delivering a fast and efficient online experience. However, understanding your PageSpeed Insights score isn’t always straightforward. In this article, we’ll delve into the theoretical aspects that can impact your website’s performance. This is a theoretical discussion meant to equip you with the knowledge to make your site faster and more efficient. We’ll explore various factors that can influence your PageSpeed Insights score, including tracking codes, above-the-fold elements, script and style loading, lazy loading, pop-ups, authorization pages, font management, console errors, security plugins, database autoloads, custom fields, and the importance of caching headers.

The Impact of Tracking Codes

Tracking codes are essential for understanding your audience and tracking conversions. However, overloading your website with tracking codes from Google Tag Manager (GTM), reCAPTCHA, HubSpot, LinkedIn, Facebook, and more can lead to performance issues. These codes often come with external requests and JavaScript that need to load, slowing down your website’s initial rendering and page load times. Even with a professionally optimized website, an excessive number of tracking codes can hinder your performance. It’s essential to strike a balance between data collection and website speed. Also take into considerations that the measurements you are going to make when using tracking codes is going to be directly affected of the tracking codes’ performance. So it’s a good idea to make your tests while you temporary disable (comment out) your tracking codes.

Common Performance Issues

1. Above-the-Fold Elements: Crafting the Perfect First Impression

When users land on your website, their first impression matters. Above-the-fold elements, the content visible without scrolling, should load quickly and efficiently. It’s not just about the initial view; it’s about creating a positive first impression. Large images, high-res videos, or content-heavy features at the top of your pages can delay rendering. Ensuring these elements are optimized and compressed is vital. Additionally, the use of critical CSS—specific styles necessary for the initial view—can dramatically improve perceived loading speed.

2. Number of Scripts and Styles: The Impact of Plugins

Plugins can be both a blessing and a curse. While they extend your website’s functionality, they can also bloat your codebase with excessive scripts and styles. It’s essential to evaluate each plugin’s necessity and optimize their usage. Where possible, minimize the number of scripts and styles. Consider combining multiple files into one to reduce HTTP requests and improve load times. Remember that streamlined code means a faster website.

3. Problems with Lazy Loading: Efficiency for the Scrolling User

Lazy loading is a technique that defers the loading of non-critical content, such as images, until users scroll to that part of the page. This technique can significantly improve page load times and save bandwidth. However, its effectiveness relies on two key factors. First, ensure that images have proper width and height attributes. This tells the browser how much space an image will occupy before it’s loaded, preventing layout shifts. Second, optimize your images. Compression and modern formats, like WebP, can make a world of difference in the efficiency of lazy loading.

4. Welcome Pop-ups: Balancing Engagement and User Experience

Pop-ups are a powerful tool for engagement and lead generation. However, their implementation must be carefully considered. For a smooth user experience, delay the appearance of pop-ups to give visitors time to engage with your content. Additionally, provide an easy way to dismiss or find these pop-ups. A frustrating or intrusive pop-up can drive users away, negatively impacting your bounce rate and overall site performance.

5. Authorization Pages in Header: The Impact of Persistent Pop-ups

Many websites incorporate login or registration pop-ups in their headers. While these can be convenient for users, they come at a cost. The inclusion of authorization-related code on every page means that users bear the weight of this extra code on every load. To balance the benefits of a persistent login option with performance, ensure that the code associated with login pages doesn’t excessively slow down your site.

6. Google Fonts Management: Striking the Right Balance

Typography is a critical aspect of web design, and many websites rely on Google Fonts to enhance their visual appeal. However, loading Google Fonts incorrectly or using multiple fonts can have a negative impact on page loading times. Consider hosting fonts locally or using font-display properties to ensure that fonts don’t block page rendering. Striking the right balance between beautiful typography and optimal performance is key.

7. Console Errors: Debugging for Speed

Browser developer tools offer valuable insights into your website’s performance. Regularly check your browser’s console for errors, as these issues can indicate problems with scripts and styles that may be causing performance bottlenecks. Debug and correct these errors to ensure a smooth and efficient user experience. Optimizing your site’s codebase is essential for superior loading times.

8. Security Plugins and Services: Balancing Protection and Performance

Security is a top priority, but some security plugins or services, like Cloudflare, can introduce additional layers that affect loading times. It’s essential to strike a balance between security and performance optimization. Ensure that your security measures don’t inadvertently slow down your website. Regularly audit your security setup to eliminate unnecessary bottlenecks.

9. Database Autoloads: Query Efficiency for a Faster Site

An overloaded database can be a hidden culprit behind slow website performance. Specifically, database autoloads can contribute to slow queries and performance issues. Managing autoloaded data is vital to maintain a speedy website. Review your autoloaded data and optimize it to ensure your site’s database queries run efficiently.

10. Custom Fields: Balancing Functionality and Performance

For websites with extensive use of custom fields created by plugins, such as e-commerce platforms, the sheer volume of custom fields can impact performance. Managing and optimizing these fields is crucial. Custom fields directly affect database queries and loading times, so find a balance between functionality and performance.

11. Caching Headers: Speeding Up Content Delivery

Properly configuring caching headers is pivotal for web performance. Caching headers instruct the browser on how long it should store resources, reducing server load and speeding up content delivery. Effective caching policies can be a game-changer in improving the efficiency of your website. Properly set caching headers for static resources to ensure rapid page loads and superior user experiences.

Avoid the reasons for bad Page Speed score!

In conclusion, gaining insights into web performance and PageSpeed scoring is invaluable for WordPress site optimization. This article has delved into key factors that impact performance. By understanding these insights and incorporating them, you can work toward a faster, more efficient website. Regularly assess your site’s performance with tools like PageSpeed Insights and use these insights to elevate your site’s speed and user experience. A high PageSpeed score is within reach with the right knowledge and optimization.