WordPress hosting vs Shared and Managed explained

Last edited:
November 7, 2023
Reading time:
6 mins






WordPress hosting vs Shar...

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In the overwhelming (at least for beginners) world of web hosting, understanding the distinctions between various hosting types is crucial to making the right choice for your website. With an array of options available, it’s vital to differentiate between traditional shared hosting, specialized WordPress hosting, and the premium segment known as managed WordPress hosting.

This comprehensive guide aims to unravel the intricacies of these hosting categories, offering you a well-informed perspective on which one aligns best with your website’s needs. It’s time to compare WordPress hosting vs Shared hosting vs Managed hosting. Let’s embark on a journey through the landscape of web hosting options and explore the specific features, advantages, and considerations associated with each type.

Types of Hosting

Before we dive into the specifics, let’s first introduce the key players in this hosting arena.

Understanding Hosting Categories Based on Power:

Hosting services are initially categorized by their power, which determines the server resources and control you have over your hosting environment. Here are the key categories to consider:

  1. Shared Hosting:

    • What It Means: Shared hosting is the most basic type of hosting, where multiple websites share the same server resources. These resources include CPU power, RAM, and storage space.
  2. WordPress Hosting:

    • What It Means: WordPress hosting is a subset of shared hosting, designed specifically for WordPress websites. These hosting plans come with server settings optimized for WordPress performance, making your site run more efficiently.
  3. Virtual Private Server (VPS) Hosting:

    • What It Means: VPS hosting offers a step up from shared hosting. It provides a virtualized server environment where you have dedicated resources, offering more control and better performance compared to shared hosting.
  4. Semi-Dedicated Hosting:

    • What It Means: Semi-dedicated hosting is a hosting solution that falls between VPS and shared hosting. It offers enhanced resources and performance compared to shared hosting but doesn’t provide full control over a dedicated server.
  5. Dedicated Hosting:

    • What It Means: Dedicated hosting is the most powerful hosting type. In this setup, you have an entire server dedicated to your website or applications, providing the highest level of control and performance.

Understanding Managed vs. Unmanaged Hosting:

Hosting plans can further be categorized as managed or unmanaged, which relates to the level of service and control provided:

  • Unmanaged Hosting: By default, hosting services are unmanaged. In unmanaged hosting, you are responsible for tasks like server maintenance, software updates, and security configurations. While this provides more control, it also requires technical expertise.
  • Managed Hosting: Managed hosting is a service where the hosting provider takes care of various technical aspects for you. This includes tasks like server maintenance, software updates, security optimizations, and even technical support. Managed hosting is an excellent choice if you prefer a hassle-free experience and expert assistance.

Industry Offering Overview:

In the hosting industry, you’ll commonly find a range of hosting plans to choose from. These plans often follow a pattern where:

  1. Shared Hosting Plans: These are the most prevalent and cost-effective hosting solutions. They suit individuals and small businesses looking for a simple online presence.
  2. WordPress Hosting Plans: Tailored for WordPress users, these plans optimize server settings for better WordPress performance.
  3. Managed WordPress Hosting Plans: Offered as a managed service, these plans cater to WordPress users who seek performance, security, and expert support. They often include advanced server resources and comprehensive management, making them an attractive choice for those who prioritize their WordPress site’s performance.

By understanding these hosting categories, power levels, and management options, you can make an informed decision about the most suitable hosting plan to meet your specific website needs and objectives.

Details on Shared Hosting

Shared hosting is an excellent entry point for those stepping into the world of web hosting. It’s often the most cost-effective option and is suitable for small websites, personal blogs, and startups. However, it’s crucial to grasp the shared hosting environment’s dynamics.

Shared hosting operates on the premise of multiple websites sharing the same server resources, such as CPU, RAM, and disk space. Picture it as living in an apartment complex where all tenants share the communal facilities. This cost-efficient setup can handle low to moderate traffic levels but might struggle to provide the speed and reliability needed for more extensive or high-traffic websites.

While shared hosting is budget-friendly, its shared resource model can result in “neighbor” effects. If one site experiences a traffic surge or technical issues, it can affect the performance of other websites on the same server. Additionally, server maintenance and optimization are typically managed by the hosting provider, allowing you to focus on your website content and functionality.

However, shared hosting might have limitations for more resource-intensive websites or those with specific technical requirements. It’s essential to evaluate your website’s needs and traffic expectations to determine if shared hosting is the right fit or if you should explore other hosting options.

Details on WordPress Hosting (Shared)

WordPress hosting primarily follows the shared hosting model, but it adds a layer of tailor-made enhancements to optimize the platform for WordPress-powered websites. In essence, it’s like a shared hosting environment that’s been fine-tuned to provide the best possible hosting experience for WordPress users. In a nutshell, WordPress hosting takes the solid foundation of shared hosting and makes it more WordPress-friendly. It’s about providing the right environment and support for your WordPress site to thrive.

WordPress shared hosting benefits over simple shared plans are:

  1. WordPress Optimization: These hosting plans are configured to provide an optimized environment for WordPress. This includes preinstalled WordPress software, fine-tuned server settings, and enhanced security measures that cater to the specific needs of the platform.
  2. User-Friendly: WordPress hosting providers often include user-friendly tools and interfaces, simplifying tasks such as installing WordPress, managing plugins, and performing updates. These conveniences are especially helpful for users new to WordPress.
  3. Improved Performance: By aligning server settings with WordPress requirements, these plans aim to deliver better performance and faster loading times. This can enhance the user experience and potentially benefit your website’s search engine ranking.
  4. Infrastructure Optimization: WordPress hosting typically ensures that your website runs on a Linux-based server. This choice is not arbitrary; Linux servers are well-known for their compatibility with WordPress and are highly efficient in running WordPress sites.
  5. WordPress-Centric Security: These hosting providers often implement security measures that are specifically designed to counter common WordPress-related threats. You might find firewalls configured to thwart WordPress-specific attacks, offering an additional layer of protection.
  6. Support Expertise: Many WordPress hosting providers offer dedicated support teams with expertise in WordPress-related issues. If you encounter challenges or need assistance, these teams are well-equipped to help.

Despite these advantages, it’s crucial to remember that shared hosting, including the WordPress-optimized variety, still operates on the shared resource model. While it’s suitable for small to moderately sized WordPress websites, resource limitations can become apparent as your site’s traffic and complexity grow. For larger or more resource-intensive WordPress projects, managed WordPress hosting might be a more suitable option.

Details on Managed WordPress Hosting

Managed hosting takes website management to the next level by placing your website under the vigilant care of skilled technicians around the clock. These experts closely monitor both your website and the server it resides on, ensuring that everything operates at peak performance. This level of oversight includes timely updates, fine-tuning, and optimization, all of which are specifically tailored for WordPress. The result is a website that runs smoothly and efficiently.

One of the primary distinctions of managed hosting is the substantial boost in resources provided. In contrast to basic shared hosting, managed hosting comes with significantly larger resource allocations. For instance, in terms of concurrent visitors, a managed plan can comfortably support around 100 or more visitors at the same time, whereas a shared hosting plan often struggles to handle more than roughly 20 concurrent visitors. This increased capacity ensures that your site remains responsive and accessible even during traffic spikes, providing a superior user experience.

Additionally, managed hosting services often include extras such as daily backups, enhanced security measures, and optimized server configurations. These elements collectively contribute to a hassle-free and secure hosting experience, leaving you with more time to focus on your website’s content and less time worrying about its technical aspects.

Key features of managed WordPress hosting include:

  1. Premium Performance: Managed hosting providers allocate dedicated server resources to your website, ensuring consistent and optimal performance. This translates to faster loading times, improved reliability, and the capacity to handle high traffic volumes.
  2. Enhanced Security: Security is a paramount concern in the managed hosting environment. Providers implement robust security measures, including real-time threat monitoring, malware scanning, and advanced firewalls to protect your site from potential threats.
  3. Automatic Updates: Managed hosting takes care of all software updates, including WordPress core, themes, and plugins. This ensures that your site remains up to date and secure without your manual intervention.
  4. Expert Support: Managed hosting plans come with expert support that specializes in WordPress-related issues. This means that you can rely on knowledgeable professionals to assist you with any technical challenges or questions you may have.
  5. WordPress-Specific Tools: Managed hosting services often provide WordPress-specific tools and features, such as staging environments for testing changes, content delivery networks (CDNs) for faster content delivery, and integrated caching for improved load times.
  6. Scalability: Managed hosting is designed to accommodate websites of various sizes. Whether you’re running a personal blog or managing a large e-commerce platform, the resources can be adjusted to match your requirements.
  7. Automated Backups: Regular backups are an integral part of managed hosting. Your provider will perform automated backups of your site, ensuring that your data remains safe in case of unexpected events.
  8. Hassle-Free Migration: Managed hosting providers typically offer migration services, making it seamless to move your existing WordPress site to their platform. This minimizes downtime and potential complications.

In summary, managed WordPress hosting provides a hassle-free, premium hosting experience tailored to WordPress users. It’s the ideal choice for those who want to focus on creating and managing their WordPress content without delving into the technical aspects of server maintenance and optimization. Caution though! You have to make sure you get those extra resources, as a simple shared WordPress hosting plan can be pitched to you as higher priced.

Common price ranges

When considering different hosting options, it’s essential to understand the typical price ranges associated with each hosting type. Here’s an overview of the common price ranges you can expect for shared hosting, WordPress shared hosting, and managed WordPress hosting:

  1. Shared Hosting:

    • Shared hosting is the most budget-friendly option. Prices typically range from $2 to $10 per month. These plans are well-suited for small websites, personal blogs, and startup projects with limited traffic.
  2. WordPress Hosting (Shared):

    • WordPress shared hosting plans are slightly more specialized but still offer cost-effective options. You can expect to pay around $4 to $20 per month. These plans are suitable for WordPress users looking for better compatibility and optimization within a shared hosting environment.
  3. Managed WordPress Hosting (not Shared):

    • Managed WordPress hosting is the premium segment of hosting, offering top-tier features and services. Prices are higher, ranging from $20 to $100 or more per month, depending on the provider and the specific features included in the plan. These hosting plans are ideal for professional websites, online businesses, and larger WordPress projects that require excellent performance, security, and support.

Keep in mind that these are approximate price ranges, and actual costs may vary based on hosting providers, the specific features included, and the duration of your subscription. It’s essential to evaluate the features and benefits offered by each hosting type relative to the associated costs to determine the best value for your website’s needs.

Choose hosting for your WordPress wisely

It’s important to understand the unique characteristics and features of each hosting type to make an informed decision based on your website’s specific needs and aspirations. The choice between shared hosting, WordPress shared hosting, and managed WordPress hosting ultimately depends on factors such as your site’s size, traffic, technical requirements, and your level of expertise. Let’s take a closer look at each of these hosting types and what sets them apart.

🚀 Suggested Reading: If you want to know how to distinguish good hosting companies from bad hosting companies, take a look on our choose your hosting company article here.

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